27. North by Northanger by Carrie Bebris - adult - P&P continuation mystery. This has a fun twist with Darcy's mother Lady Anne Darcy in it and you get to meet the newest Darcy.
28. The Matters at Mansfield by Carrie Bebris - adult - P&P continuation mystery. My favorite in the series! Anne de Bourgh escapes her mother, some characters from Mansfield Park make an appearance, and you get to learn a lot about Regency guns.
29. Clementine and the Family Meeting by Sara Pennypacker - middle grade - Clementine returns in a fun story about how change can affect a family. I think Clementine is this generation's Ramona.
30. Bluefish by Pat Schmatz - young adult - This was recommended by the CCBC according to my school librarian. For me, it was just ok. Some fun connections with other books, but lots of characters making questionable decisions. Overall a bit of a downer to read.
31. 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers: A King's Ransom by Jude Watson - middle grade - LOVE this series almost as much as the first one! Amy and Dan continue on their mission to outwit Vesper One and free their relatives. Great assistance from some Cahill cousins and some intriguing information about their father.
32. Memory Book One by Linda Wells - adult - P&P what if book - Christmas vacation re-read treat
33. Memory Book Two by Linda Wells -adult - P&P what if book - Christmas vacation re-read treat
34. Memory Book Three by Linda Wells - adult - P&P what if book - Christmas vacation re-read treat
35. Bigger Than a Breadbox by Laurel Snyder - middle grade - Another highly recommended book that just didn't do it for me. The main character is dealing with her parents separation and possible divorce, along with a relocation to grandma's house in another state. She finds a magic breadbox that will give her anything she asks for that will fit inside of the breadbox. However, she doesn't think about WHERE those things are coming from...which leads to a lot of complications.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
A Day in the Life of...
I'm Julie and I teach 5th grade in WI. So, my teaching blog is really just my weekly newsletter to parents, which wouldn't work well for this activity! So I'm going to use my personal blog, which has been somewhat neglected of late.

I have loved seeing everyone's days and wanted to share my own.
Every day my schedule is a little different, so I picked Wednesday to share since it is my day with least amount of prep and the day with the craziest family schedule!
1:30 am - Wake up on oldest daughter's floor, go put on jammies, pee. Either crawl in bed with hubby and littlest daughter (getting less than 1/3 of the bed), or go and sleep in littlest daughter's bed.
4:30 am - Woke up by husband when he gets in the shower. Switch to our bed if sleeping in littlest's room to keep her from rolling out of bed.
5:45 am - Wake up again either from littlest tapping my cheek to wake me up, or from hubby coming in to get her up for breakfast. Listen to news while trying to find the energy to get out of bed.
6 am - Take over prodding oldest to get out bed, pee, teeth, shower, straighten or blow dry hair. Quick pick out something comfortable to wear that is clean and somewhat matching!
6:20 am- Haul the oldest out of bed, grab the littlest and get her dressed. Brush her teeth and barette the super long bangs out of her face. Badger the oldest to eat.
6:30 am - Toss some cereal in a bag to eat on the way to daycare & school, pack a lunch, gather my school bag together from where I left it when I put the oldest to bed and fell asleep on her floor. Remind the oldest about the time and packing her dance bag.
6:45 am - Trade off with the hubby putting the littlest in snow gear and helping the oldest find all her needed items for school and/or reminding her that the bus comes in five minutes. Hopefully leave for daycare by 6:50.
6:50 am - Drive to daycare, about 15 minutes if I hit all green lights. Usually more like 20 minutes.
7:10 am - Drop littlest at daycare - pray I get there before my provider has to leave to take her kids to school at 7:15. Drive three minutes to work
7:15 am - Walk in building, check mail, lunch in fridge, unpack, start technology, check lunch menu, write morning directions. Hopefully check school email before kids arrive.
7:40 am - First bell lets kids into school. Start taking lunch count, redirect a few kiddos to completing morning directions.
7:50 am - Tardy bell - enter attendance and lunch in the computer. Review any schedule changes for the day. Kiddos finish morning work.
8 am - Prayer/Pledge/Birthday announcements
8:05 am - Math - correct homework, review trouble problems. Intro new concept, demo problems, small group work, discuss. Assign differentiated homework, individually modify for a few more. Circulate during work time or work on carpet with small group if lots of questions.
8:45 am - snack/read aloud
9 am - Reading - Silent reading of own book, try to get some conferencing in with individual students - so far not doing such a great job of that! Large group instruction of a reading concept, small group reinforcement - assign homework, usually read - sometimes worksheet or response activity. Remember to send small group to learning resource at 9:30.
9:45 - Language - review grammar concept/correct homework. Check in on writing status. Work on writing project (currently research reports). Explain/review what we are doing to small group returning from learning resource. Circulate, reinforce guidelines, answer questions. Remind of goals/expectations for next writing day (Monday). Get a teacher with a free period to babysit for two minutes while I pee.
10:45 - Spelling - take unit test - monitor students not taking test because took with tutor/learning resource. Introduce new unit. Review/reinforce rule or concept of unit. Look over directions to highlight any that are unusual.
11:15 -Pray, pack up for science, get outside gear on, line up, walk through lunch line, check off on computer (hope it works). Check mail, go eat. Check email. Pee.
Noon - Let the kids in the locked door from recess. Supervise in the hallway.
12:05 - Social studies - Check in with non-homeroom class on absent students. Review concept/correct homework. Set up for notes, reading, discussion, or activity with the class. Teach lesson. Remind of weekly homework due on Thursday. Send to homeroom, meet my homeroom in hallway - walk to computers.
12:45 pm - Prep - Breathe, pee, check email. Respond to emails and phone calls. Organize papers. Run out of time.
1:15 pm - Check office mail when I pick up homeroom from computer lab. Teach religion.
1:45 pm -Repeat the social studies lesson from earlier in the day with homeroom. Hopefully don't leave out anything!
2:30 pm - Dismiss bus riders only. Everyone else should be working on homework or reading - usually not very quietly. Try to get homework on assignment board and website.
2:40 pm - Dismiss everyone else. Follow them out the door. Drive 20 minutes to pick up oldest at her school.
3:10 pm - Pick up oldest. Listen to info about her day. Drive to dance class.
3:40 pm - Keep oldest company until her class starts at 4. Make a plan for dinner and homework.
4 pm - Go back to school. Set up for Thursday. Grade papers or plan for next week. Make copies. Check email, surf the web.
6:30 pm - Pick up oldest at dance. Grab dinner. Drive home.
7 pm - Eat dinner, get oldest started on homework. Check in with hubby, cuddle with littlest. Check in on oldest's homework. Finish my grading/planning/prep. Maybe surf the web.
8:30 pm - Start getting the oldest to bed. Sneak in quietly to get on jammies since hubby and littlest are asleep in our room. Snuggle with oldest, planning to get up and finish school work. Fall asleep.
1:30 am - Wake up on oldest's floor....
I have loved seeing everyone's days and wanted to share my own.
Every day my schedule is a little different, so I picked Wednesday to share since it is my day with least amount of prep and the day with the craziest family schedule!
1:30 am - Wake up on oldest daughter's floor, go put on jammies, pee. Either crawl in bed with hubby and littlest daughter (getting less than 1/3 of the bed), or go and sleep in littlest daughter's bed.
4:30 am - Woke up by husband when he gets in the shower. Switch to our bed if sleeping in littlest's room to keep her from rolling out of bed.
5:45 am - Wake up again either from littlest tapping my cheek to wake me up, or from hubby coming in to get her up for breakfast. Listen to news while trying to find the energy to get out of bed.
6 am - Take over prodding oldest to get out bed, pee, teeth, shower, straighten or blow dry hair. Quick pick out something comfortable to wear that is clean and somewhat matching!
6:20 am- Haul the oldest out of bed, grab the littlest and get her dressed. Brush her teeth and barette the super long bangs out of her face. Badger the oldest to eat.
6:30 am - Toss some cereal in a bag to eat on the way to daycare & school, pack a lunch, gather my school bag together from where I left it when I put the oldest to bed and fell asleep on her floor. Remind the oldest about the time and packing her dance bag.
6:45 am - Trade off with the hubby putting the littlest in snow gear and helping the oldest find all her needed items for school and/or reminding her that the bus comes in five minutes. Hopefully leave for daycare by 6:50.
6:50 am - Drive to daycare, about 15 minutes if I hit all green lights. Usually more like 20 minutes.
7:10 am - Drop littlest at daycare - pray I get there before my provider has to leave to take her kids to school at 7:15. Drive three minutes to work
7:15 am - Walk in building, check mail, lunch in fridge, unpack, start technology, check lunch menu, write morning directions. Hopefully check school email before kids arrive.
7:40 am - First bell lets kids into school. Start taking lunch count, redirect a few kiddos to completing morning directions.
7:50 am - Tardy bell - enter attendance and lunch in the computer. Review any schedule changes for the day. Kiddos finish morning work.
8 am - Prayer/Pledge/Birthday announcements
8:05 am - Math - correct homework, review trouble problems. Intro new concept, demo problems, small group work, discuss. Assign differentiated homework, individually modify for a few more. Circulate during work time or work on carpet with small group if lots of questions.
8:45 am - snack/read aloud
9 am - Reading - Silent reading of own book, try to get some conferencing in with individual students - so far not doing such a great job of that! Large group instruction of a reading concept, small group reinforcement - assign homework, usually read - sometimes worksheet or response activity. Remember to send small group to learning resource at 9:30.
9:45 - Language - review grammar concept/correct homework. Check in on writing status. Work on writing project (currently research reports). Explain/review what we are doing to small group returning from learning resource. Circulate, reinforce guidelines, answer questions. Remind of goals/expectations for next writing day (Monday). Get a teacher with a free period to babysit for two minutes while I pee.
10:45 - Spelling - take unit test - monitor students not taking test because took with tutor/learning resource. Introduce new unit. Review/reinforce rule or concept of unit. Look over directions to highlight any that are unusual.
11:15 -Pray, pack up for science, get outside gear on, line up, walk through lunch line, check off on computer (hope it works). Check mail, go eat. Check email. Pee.
Noon - Let the kids in the locked door from recess. Supervise in the hallway.
12:05 - Social studies - Check in with non-homeroom class on absent students. Review concept/correct homework. Set up for notes, reading, discussion, or activity with the class. Teach lesson. Remind of weekly homework due on Thursday. Send to homeroom, meet my homeroom in hallway - walk to computers.
12:45 pm - Prep - Breathe, pee, check email. Respond to emails and phone calls. Organize papers. Run out of time.
1:15 pm - Check office mail when I pick up homeroom from computer lab. Teach religion.
1:45 pm -Repeat the social studies lesson from earlier in the day with homeroom. Hopefully don't leave out anything!
2:30 pm - Dismiss bus riders only. Everyone else should be working on homework or reading - usually not very quietly. Try to get homework on assignment board and website.
2:40 pm - Dismiss everyone else. Follow them out the door. Drive 20 minutes to pick up oldest at her school.
3:10 pm - Pick up oldest. Listen to info about her day. Drive to dance class.
3:40 pm - Keep oldest company until her class starts at 4. Make a plan for dinner and homework.
4 pm - Go back to school. Set up for Thursday. Grade papers or plan for next week. Make copies. Check email, surf the web.
6:30 pm - Pick up oldest at dance. Grab dinner. Drive home.
7 pm - Eat dinner, get oldest started on homework. Check in with hubby, cuddle with littlest. Check in on oldest's homework. Finish my grading/planning/prep. Maybe surf the web.
8:30 pm - Start getting the oldest to bed. Sneak in quietly to get on jammies since hubby and littlest are asleep in our room. Snuggle with oldest, planning to get up and finish school work. Fall asleep.
1:30 am - Wake up on oldest's floor....
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