My girl is nine. Which is a scary thought as those nine years have just whizzed right by! We hosted our first ever sleepover party last weekend - which is truly a misnomer, because I don't think anyone really slept! But a good time was had by all.
We took them all to Build-a-Bear before coming home for pizza, cake & ice cream, movies, create a photo frame, various unplanned activities that parents were not privileged to know, a teeny tiny bit of sleep, doughnuts, egg hunt, piano playing, present opening, and other crazy events!
Tonight we just had dinner out and then presents with mom and dad. Someone had to work on her homework due tomorrow and the late work we found in her desk so it would be turned in before spring break starts after school tomorrow.
Though it looks like we'll finish Harry Potter #5 in a day or two so we should be able to watch the DVD over break!
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