Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Hate Me Because I Care About Others

from http://opinionateddem.addictinginfo.org/2011/03/08/dont-hate-me-because-i-care-about-others/

Why am I demonized for wanting a healthy and successful America? Why am I demonized for wanting equality for LGBT individuals and every minority group? Why am I demonized for caring about the education of the children in America? Why am I demonized for wanting others to respect those who teach and take care of us? Why am I demonized for wanting energy independence and to ideally get off oil altogether? Why am I demonized for wanting to make sure that elderly Americans and Veterans are taken care of? Why am I demonized for wanting to solve problems diplomatically and not through violent means? Something about all these demonizations just doesn’t make sense. I think some people in this country need a very loud wake up call, and by some people I mean the people who are shouting “demon!” at those that seem to care about others.

Politics aren’t perfect, you can’t please all people at all time. However, when it comes down to the basic necessities of life such as; food, clean water, clothing, education, and health… suddenly the people that want those things for everyone are demonized and called names. There is a terrible dilemma in all of this. What happens when we only take care of those that can take care of themselves? You’re left with a third world nation.

When we give tax breaks to the wealthy and then cut social programs to pay for those breaks, that is a major moral dilemma. When the poor and unemployed are called “freeloaders” because they need some assistance, that is a major moral dilemma. When minority groups striving for equality are told that they want “special rights”, that is a major moral dilemma. “Special rights” are the ones the majority of Americans already have… “special rights” are equal rights. When we give breaks to billionaires and seek to privatize industry and education so that only the wealthy can prosper, that is a major moral dilemma. When those breaks are paid for with money that should be educating our children and treating our sick, that is a major moral dilemma. When the poor and unemployed are being swept under the rug because they are too unsightly to help and/or deal with? That is a major moral dilemma.

The Middle Class is vanishing because they are being indirectly demonized as being not quite good enough to compete with those on Wall Street, and with the wealthiest Corporatists. The Middle Class is being told that they should no longer be able to send their children to public schools. The Middle Class is being told that their jobs are no longer valuable. They are no longer valuable within the public sector which some think should now be private, or in the private sector which some think should now be done overseas with less regulation and for less money. The Middle Class is becoming the poor and unemployed due to either wealthy monopoly Corporatists that downsize or outsource, or due to Public Sector jobs being defunded our ousted altogether.

Who is shouting “Demon!” at all the everyday average Americans and those that stand up for them? The Koch(Tea) Party, a lot of the GOP, and many other conservatives that claim they stand for values. What values? The value of the Monopolistic Corporatist that just outsourced your job? The same party that shouts “Demon!” is the party that says they are for a higher moral integrity in America. Morals for who? Is it moral to deny health care and education to those that can’t afford it? Is it moral to diminish Veteran and elderly benefits? Is it moral to deny basic rights to minority groups? Is is moral to lay off thousands, not because you have to, but because it would be cheaper to hire overseas? Is it moral to give billions in subsidies to oil companies bringing in record profits, then defund crucial social programs to pay for it? Is is moral to give breaks to the wealthy and then deny the poor? If those are your morals… I’d hate to see you on a bad day.

Don’t hate me because I care for others. We need to shift the priorities in this nation from “survival of the fittest” to survival for all. They can call me a demon all they want, but I will never stop fighting for those less fortunate that are demonized themselves. The “American Dream” shall live on. Success should not be turned into what we can only dream about, we need to wake up America and make it happen.

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